Colorado Department of Transportation
success story



Reach drivers and riders in your community

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) uses Access Live technology to speak with residents across the state of Colorado about highway construction and future transportation projects.

CDOT has hosted more than 60 live, interactive events over the course of 6 years. These events have given more than 2 million participants the chance to hear about the road construction and transportation project plans and changes taking place in their communities. In addition to calling nearly 185,000 total participants on the phone, CDOT used audio streaming to make the event more accessible to all, enabling citizens to join from anywhere, on any device they want.

Watch the testimonial video

It’s a simple thing for people to be able to pick up a phone and be able to talk to you, and that is our best way of reaching the public.”

-Amy Ford, Former Director of Communications, CDOT

Download the Full Case Study

Do you need to get information out and feedback from your citizens?

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